I Am A Real Artist

Processed with MOLDIV

Painting I did after my surgery … called Irreplaceable Friends

Five years ago as you can see by my Facebook post below, I was playing  with art and I still am today, however today I feel like I can say I am a true artist.


I love art. It is my way to escape and go to a place that brings me great joy.

Today,  I can say that I have been commissioned to do a painting with my favorite art partner Cristine Wells.  I have sold several of my art pieces. I have had my art turned into dresses and other pieces and have sold them, but that is not what makes me an artist. What makes me an artist is that I love painting and I paint from my heart. If I never sell another piece of my work I will still be very happy because art for me is a wonderful way to cope with all that life brings our way.

I have keratoconus  a progressive eye disease,  so this November I had crosslinking and limited PRK. I did not expect that I would be unable to drive and lose a bit of my independence for awhile. My vision is not good enough that I am able to drive yet, but I can do lots of other things.

I need an outlet and being able to do art has been my gift! Even though my vision is limited , I can also have moments of amazing clarity. I expect in a year it will be stable and all the vision I took for granted will return. Until then I plan on doing a lot of painting.

I love that as a school counsellor I can paint with students. It is as therapeutic for them as it is for me. So paint away my friends, no matter what is happening in your world , it will allow you to be free and to be a real artist. As it says in the Velveteen Rabbit,

“once you are real you can’t be ugly except to people who don’t understand.”